Use of cookies

Knutsford Photographic Society (KPS) Website:  Use of cookies.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a piece of information stored in a small file which is sent to and from web pages. They can be used to identify that you’ve visited websites before and some will be stored on your computer by your web browser.

Why does KPS Website use cookies?

The KPS Website uses cookies to understand how visitors use the website.

Measuring web traffic

We use programs such as Google Analytics to help us find out:

  • how many people visit our websites;

  • which pages are most popular;

  • how long people spend in each area; and

  • what information they’re searching for.

These insights help us understand how to improve our websites.

Google Analytics uses cookies to collect non-personally identifiable information like:

  • browser types;

  • operating systems;

  • referring sites that sent you to us; and

  • the dates and times of a visit.

If you’d like to know more about Google Analytics, click here.

Andrew Warman
May 2018

KPS Privacy Policy